The Truth About Cavities

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You’ve probably heard something about cavities—in fact, you’ve probably had a cavity or two. But did you know there are several misconceptions surrounding cavities? To help you separate fact from fiction, we’re happy to dispel some of the more common cavity myths.

For example, you’ve probably heard that cavities are caused by sugar. This isn’t quite true. In fact, cavities are caused by acids that break down the outer layer of your teeth and promote tooth decay. Unfortunately, bacteria from sugar and other foods eventually become the harmful acid.

Do you think that you’re safe from cavities because you’re not a child? Unfortunately this isn’t the case. In fact, children and adults are just as likely to have cavities. As you age—especially if you have gum disease—your gums may pull away from your teeth. Once this happens, you’re smile will be more vulnerable to cavities.

Finally, have you been told that you’ll be able to feel a cavity if you have one? Sometimes you can, but often you won’t be able to recognize a cavity without help from a dentist. However, if you have a persistent toothache or suddenly sensitive teeth, you may have a cavity.

If you would like to learn more, or are interested in having your cavity filled, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re excited to hear from you.