Why Athletes Should Wear A Mouth Guard

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The teeth in your mouth support the jaw bone structure and aid you when you chew, speak, and smile. Teeth are important for your health, and athletes can protect them when wearing a mouth guard. We invite you to visit Duncan Dental Studio for a mouth guard today, rather than visit us for the treatment of broken teeth later.

The mouth guards our dentist creates are made from durable materials that can cushion impact forces to your teeth, gums, and jaw. Mouth guards generally cover the upper set of teeth and can reduce the risk for injury by 60 times. This oral appliance can prevent the risk for not only damage to your teeth and gums, but the effects of concussions as well.

When you receive a mouth guard from our dentist, we will give you instructions to follow for the care of your guard. Doing so will ensure that this oral appliance remains intact so it can more effectively protect your smile. You should clean the guard regularly, only using cool water. Do not keep the guard in warm places because doing so can warp its shape. The guard should be kept in a sturdy, well ventilated container. Call our office at (361) 643-3030 if you want to learn more about the creation and care of our sports mouth guards.